Question and Answer


Why regenerative medicine and stem cell medicine now?


Cells are the basic unit of life

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is awarded for achievements in the structure and function of the human body and living organisms, disease mechanisms, and the development of treatments. They say that the basic unit of life is the cell, and that if we can understand the cell, we can understand the basis of life. Each cell is the basic unit of life because it contains all the genetic information that makes a human being. A single fertilized egg is formed by the union of an egg and sperm, followed by cell division,

In approximately 286-290 days (40 weeks), we are a collection ofapproximately 37 trillion cells. Without studying cells, new drugs cannot be developed. And now, research on medicines is being accelerated by creating actual human organ cells, not mouse cells, with iPS cells. Whenever we are sick, "cells are going bad."The human body has a characteristic called homeostasis.  This simply means that the body maintains a constant state of health. Thanks to this, our body temperature and weight stay within a certain range!

Cells work to maintain this homeostasis.When cellular homeostasis is disrupted or something unplanned happens, it is a disease.We are able to live our daily lives because we are more capable of repairing the results of irregularities at a very fast pace.When we still cannot cope with the situation and lose, "medical treatment" is to intervene artificially, but we still think how tiny the power of human medical treatment is compared to the power of cells.

Regenerative medicine and stem cell therapy are designed to stimulate and enhance the patient's natural healing power. Stem cells and regenerative medicine cells are pluripotent and can differentiate into various types of cells. This allows them to replenish missing cells in tissues and organs damaged by disease or disorder. In addition, stem cell and regenerative medicine cell-based therapies are considered safer than transplantation therapies because they can suppress immune rejection. Furthermore, it has been reported that a number of proteins secreted by stem cells and regenerative medicine cells themselves, such as exosomes, cytokines, growth factors, and enzymes, play an important role in tissue regeneration. We have seen miraculous recoveries and improvements in many patients over the past 10 years. We would like to share our achievements and experience with medical professionals, patients, and their families around the world.